Practice What You Study

You can start your dual-track studies program at the Glauchau Vocational Academy or study in addition to your apprenticeship at Hof University of Applied Sciences. Combine studying, responsibility and fun at work while directly applying your knowledge.



  • Practical relevance
  • Financial independence
  • Short duration of studies
  • Excellent career prospects


Still have questions? Then give us a call.

Degree program at Glauchau Vocational Academy

Glauchau Vocational Academy is unique because it combines studying with practical professional training (at our company in Bayreuth). Over the course of the three-year program you gain insight into various departments such as Logistics, Dispatching, Controlling, Human Resources and Accounting. The course of studies focuses on business-relevant subjects. The degree program concept is designed to convey cross-disciplinary knowledge so that you are able to manage projects taking a holistic approach. We assist you by offering excellent support, attractive pay during your apprenticeship and personal development opportunities.


Degree program: Bachelor of Arts

Field of study: Freight forwarding, transport, logistics

Duration of studies: 3 years

Requirement: General or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (Allgemeine oder fachgebundene Hochschulreife)

Study program plus apprenticeship training at the University of Applied Sciences

Combine a classic apprenticeship with a Bachelor’s degree by taking part in a practical, time-saving and highly qualified program.
The study program plus apprenticeship has the following structure:

  • 1st year vocational training at the company + vocational school
  • 2nd year basic studies
  • 3rd year core studies
  • 4th year company internship and Chamber of Commerce exam (IHK-Abschlussprüfung)
  • 5th year specialization studies (logistics)



Your advantages of earning a degree while taking part in an apprenticeship:

  • Shorter training period
  • Recognition of academic achievements: The University of Applied Sciences and vocational school mutually acknowledge examination results
  • Two degrees and in-depth practical experience with the same duration of studies
  • Apply theoretical knowledge on the job
  • Competitive pay



Vocational training: Freight Forwarding and Logistics Services Clerk

Degree program: Bachelor of Arts (business administration) at the Hof University of Applied Sciences

Duration of studies: 4.5 years

Requirement: General or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (Allgemeine oder fachgebundene Hochschulreife)


Visit Hof University of Applied Sciences for more information.


Annabel Trautmann
Phone: +49 921 7987-226



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