Comprehensive Logistics

We are an experienced logistics partner that develops the right warehouse concept for every industry – from storage to material flow management – and invests in advanced solutions.

We currently have 166,000 m² of space available for logistics services at our company locations in Bayreuth, Untersteinach, Nuremberg and Munich. All of our locations are ideally situated with direct access to the A9 motorway and offer room for expansion.

We also have a centrally located 60,000 m² areal for short-term development.

You can start your new logistics projects with us here – we are at your side from the outset with competent conceptual design and construction planning solutions.

Storage Systems

Modular, pallet or cantilever shelving systems, from 5.50 to 8 m without center columns, open spaces for external storage


Camera, compliance and gate systems, ramps, forklift access up to 7 tons

Food Storage

IFS/HACCP standard for food logistics



Anett Schäfer Prokuristin Steinbach GmbH & Co Spedition KG

Anett Schäfer
Phone: +49 921 7987-500

Philipp Schulz
Phone: +49 921 7987-502



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