Intelligent Logistics

It all starts with … your idea!

Cutting-edge logistics concepts need to be as flexible and diverse as our customers’ requirements.

We work closely with you to develop an innovative logistics concept tailored to your company-specific needs. Our goal is to create cost-effective and intelligent solutions that optimize the entire process chain and exploit rationalization potential.

Increasing complexity, globalization and digitization are critically important challenges of our time that we are happy to face.

Customized Logistics

Tailor-made Logistics Solutions

Energy-efficient Design

Ultra-modern warehouses save you money

IT Technologies

Transparent Goods Tracking


Anett Schäfer Prokuristin Steinbach GmbH & Co Spedition KG

Anett Schäfer
Phone: +49 921 7987-500

Philipp Schulz
Phone: +49 921 7987-502



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