Precision Logistics

Our value-added services offer you a customized package that expands our logistics solutions to meet your requirements.

We take care of the details so that you can focus on what matters most – running your business. From procurement to distribution, our employees extend your reach directly on site. This enables us to satisfy all quality assurance and product finish requirements on your behalf and with the necessary market and customer orientation.

Process-oriented Services

Before, during and after transport and warehouse business

Additional Services

Custom-tailored, value-added supply chain services

Modular Services

Customized logistics concepts based on standard and additional services


Anett Schäfer Prokuristin Steinbach GmbH & Co Spedition KG

Anett Schäfer
Phone: +49 921 7987-500

Philipp Schulz
Phone: +49 921 7987-502



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