Perfect Logistics

We take care of your complete trade fair logistics before, during and after the show so that you can meet your fair goals and focus entirely on your customers, engaging in sales talks and presenting your products. Take advantage of our experienced team’s services for your trade fair logistics. We perform all services reliably, on time and exactly according to your wishes – from professional interim storage of your equipment and exhibits, transport to and from the site, setup and tear-down of your booth all the way to complete handling on-site.

Experienced Team

Reliable service from a team with many years of experience in trade fair logistics


Professional management of your exhibits and equipment in interim storage

On-site Handling

We take over the entire handling of your exhibition booth


Anett Schäfer Prokuristin Steinbach GmbH & Co Spedition KG

Anett Schäfer
Phone: +49 921 7987-500

Philipp Schulz
Phone: +49 921 7987-502



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